“Systemic racism is the root cause of infant and maternal mortality in America.”

-B. Anderson

20,538 infants died in 2022 -

20,538 infants died in 2022 -

Breathing Life Into Louisiana

Were You Aware Of Louisiana Infant and Maternal Health Crisis?

Women in the U.S. is twice as likely to die from pregnancy

Women in the U.S. is twice as likely to die from pregnancy •

Our Services


A'sani Heartbeat Foundation is dedicated to advancing reproductive justice for maternal, paternal, and family support. Through advocacy, restorative healing, storytelling, and public education, we strive to create positive change and foster a society where individuals and families have equitable access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, resources, and support systems.


We exist because reproductive justice is a fundamental human right that is often denied or restricted for many individuals and families. Discrimination, stigma, and systemic barriers disproportionately impact marginalized communities, limiting their access to essential reproductive healthcare and support. By addressing these issues head-on, we strive to create a society where reproductive justice is recognized, upheld, and accessible to all.


Programming: Family Wellness, Parenting workshops for mothers & fathers, community baby showers, quarterly item request for baby items, peer mentorship, monthly meetings, navigating hospital trainings, restorative healing activities, storytelling, therapy sessions, advocacy and policy implementation, nicu awareness sessions, youth programming